Ergonomics 2Registered Occupational Therapists (OT’s) are rehabilitation specialists who are specifically trained in the analysis of activity. OT’s have the medical understanding and the biomechanical expertise to enhance productivity in the “skills for the job of living” in the home or workplace, regardless of disease and/or disability.

OT’s training includes the analysis of both the physical components of work, as well as psychosocial elements and their relationship. An ergonomic assessment completed by an OT will review the “whole” person, how they react to all aspects of their environment, and where he or she is at greatest risk.

Through job demands analysis, the Occupational Therapist will focus on identifying the risks, assessing the risks, providing consultation on controlling the risks and providing education and training  as to the specific work environment.

Ergonomic programs assist in creating a safe working environment, reducing the risk of injury, increasing productivity and enhancing morale.

Identify the Risks
Assess the Risks
Control the Risks
Education and Training

7 Commandments of Ergonomics

Our company’s service delivery includes:

Assessment Services .::. Occupational Rehabilitation .::. Ergonomic Rehabilitation .::. Community Rehabilitation